PORTRAIT OF THE-NON-EXISTENT-BIRD . Collection of Claude and France Lemand . Inspired by Claude Aveline’s Poem .

From 22 May to 31 August 2014 - City of ISSOUDUN, France - Musée de l'Hospice Saint-Roch

  • Benanteur, Book. Portrait of The-Non-Existent-Bird.

    Portrait of The-Non-Existent-Bird, 2005. Watercolour, imprint, India ik and collage on paper, 28 x 28 cm. Donation Claude & France Lemand 2018. Museum, Institut du monde arabe, Paris. © The Estate of Abdallah Benanteur. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

  • Zadkine, Aveline, Portrait de l’Oiseau ... 1

    Portrait de l'Oiseau-Qui-N'Existe-Pas et Autres poèmes. Claude Aveline, Geneva, 1964. Artist book, 25 x 33 cm. Poems illustrated with 18 original lithographs. Edition of 195 copies, each one numbered and signed by the poet and the artist. Donation Claude & France Lemand. Museum, Institut du monde arabe, Paris. © The Estates of Ossip Zadkine and Claude Aveline. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

  • KOCHI, Etching, 1997, Portrait de l’Oiseau ... 3.

    Portrait de l'Oiseau-Qui-N'Existe-Pas, 1997. A set pf 6 original dry point, inspired by Claude Aveline's Poem. Signed ad numbered, 23,5 x 17,5 cm. Edition of 80. © Manabu Kochi. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

  • Mario Murua, Portrait de l’Oiseau ... 1, 2004

    Portrait de l'Oiseau-Qui-N'Existe-Pas 1, 2004. Acrylic on paper, 57 x 38 cm. © Mario Murua. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

  • Dia Al-Azzawi, Portrait of the Bird ... in Arabic, Book, 2005

    Portrait of The-Non-Existent-Bird, 2005. Artist book, with original digital prints, signed and numbered by the artist, under his original box, 43 x 31 cm. Poem by Claude Aveline printed in 7 languages. Edition of 22. © Dia Al-Azzawi. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

  • KAMINER, Painting, Portrait de l’Oiseau-Qui-N’Existe-Pas.

    Portrait de l'Oiseau-Qui-N'Existe-Pas, 2005. Mixed media on paper laid down on canvas, 38 x 28 cm. Donation Claude & France Lemand. Museum, Institut du monde arabe, Paris. © Saul Kaminer. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

  • Segui, Sculpture, Angelito.

    Angelito, 2011. Original corten steel sculpture, 60 x 47 x 10 cm. Signed and numbered. Edition of 4. Donation Claude & France Lemand. Museum of the Institut du monde arabe, Paris. © Antonio Seguí. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

  • VELICKOVIC, Corbeau et corps.

    Corbeau et corps, 2013. Mixed media on cardboard, 32,2 x 29,5 cm. Donation Claude & France Lemand. Museum, Institut du monde arabe, Paris. © Vladimir Velickovic. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.


Paintings, draw­ings, sculp­tures, artist books and prints by the Artists:

Claude Aveline
Leonor Fini
Stanislao Lepri
Ossip Zadkine

Dia Al-Azzawi
Abdallah Benanteur
Franck Charlet
Chaouki Choukini
Saul Kaminer
Daniel Knoderer
Manabu Kochi
Boutros Al-Maari
Mario Murua
Nicolas d’Olce
Abderrahmane Ould Mohand
Antonio Segui
Tony Soulié
Hussein Tai
Vladimir Velickovic
Ossip Zadkine
Eduardo Zamora

Claude Aveline

Picture of The-Non-Existent-Bird

Here is the pic­ture of The-Non-Existent-Bird.
Not its fault if the Good Lord who made every thing omitted to create it.
It has a look of other birds, for non-exis­tent crea­tures bear some resem­blance to those that exist.
But they haven’t a name.
Which is why this bird is called the Non-Existent-Bird.
And why it is sad.
Perhaps sleeping or waiting for the moment of exis­tence.
Wondering what sort of beak or wings it will have : will it be able to dive under water, as actual birds do, without spoiling its colours ?
It would like to hear itself sing.
It would like to be afraid of death.
It would like to have very ugly, very much alive baby-birds.
So the dream of a non-exis­tent-bird is to stop being a dream.
No one is ever sat­is­fied.
And that being the case, how can all go well with the world ?

Paris 1950 Translated from French by George Buchacan, 1966.

Copyright © Galerie Claude Lemand 2012.

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