Galerie Claude Lemand

Chaouki CHOUKINI - Song of the Wood. Song of the World.

From 17 January to 12 April

photo Choukini, Chardon 3.

Chaouki CHOUKINI - Song of the Wood. Song of the World. ___ Thierry Savatier, Art historian. Chaouki Choukini’s sculptures bear witness to his singular aesthetic. Abstract, they nevertheless include some mineral or biological details, even anthropomorphic or that can be (...) Read more

Galerie Claude Lemand

Chaouki CHOUKINI, Li Bayrut - Donated to the Museum of the Institut du monde arabe + to The Sursock Museum.

From 16 January to 6 April

photo CHOUKINI. Bronze - Li Bayrut.

Chaouki CHOUKINI, Li Bayrut, 2020. Donation Claude & France Lemand : Number 1/7. Museum of the Institut du monde arabe, Paris. Number 2/7. The Sursock Museum, Beirut, Lebanon. ___ Thierry Savatier, Art historian. At the heart of the work of the sculptor Chaouki (...) Read more

Galerie Claude Lemand

Chaouki CHOUKINI - Donation Claude & France Lemand to the IMA Museum, Paris.

From 12 January to 22 February

photo Choukini, The Horse of Guernica.

Chaouki CHOUKINI - Donation Claude & France Lemand to the IMA Museum, Paris. Thanks to the Claude & France Lemand Donation, the Museum of the Institut du monde arabe in Paris has the most important collection in the world of wooden and bronze sculptures by the (...) Read more

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