From 5 April to 5 May 2024 - Institut du monde arabe

  • Dahmane, Claude and France Lemand.

    Portrait of Claude and France Lemand. © Dahmane.


I ded­i­cate my Legion of Honor to my four grand­par­ents, who died of famine in Lebanon and Syria during the First World War, leaving my two par­ents orphans, like tens of thou­sands of other chil­dren. The mas­sacre of inno­cents con­tinues, gen­er­a­tion after gen­er­a­tion, and until today. This fer­tile Crescent, sup­pos­edly blessed by the gods, Humans have trans­formed into a field of ruin and death... But our mis­sion is to bear wit­ness to the lumi­nous face of Humanity.

I ded­i­cate it to my mother, who gave me a taste for reading and beauty and who enchanted my child­hood with her sto­ries of Eastern and Western lit­er­a­tures, trans­mitted with her lan­guage of Damascus.

I ded­i­cate my Legion of Honor to the 162 artists whom we have known, appre­ci­ated and sup­ported, and who still enchant us and give meaning to our lives. To Shafic Abboud, Etel Adnan, Abdallah Benanteur and so many others who have left us. But great artists never die! Adonis said to con­sole me. I ded­i­cate it to the valiant artists of the first gen­er­a­tion, still active and cre­ative, to the many of the fol­lowing gen­er­a­tion and to the youngest, who are barely thirty or forty years old, women and men whose cre­ativity we salute. I am so happy to be with you tonight.

I am the heir of a cer­tain Lebanese spirit, made of dia­logue between cul­tures, open­ness to the world, a spirit of ini­tia­tive and risk-taking. I am happy and proud to have plowed a furrow, fol­lowing the example of the great artists and writers of the Mashreq and the Maghreb, who are the heirs of Khalil Gibran and the men and women of the Arab Renaissance, who claimed to be the heirs of France of the Enlightenment: Liberty, Equality, Fraternity, Secularity. I feel 100% Lebanese with Arab cul­ture and 100% French with French cul­ture.

I thank from the bottom of my heart my dear wife, so atten­tive, so strong and gen­erous. I thank France and Paris who adopted me and whom I adopted. I thank you all, artists and col­lec­tors, writers and researchers, man­agers and facil­i­ta­tors of the Institut du monde arabe, and the hun­dreds of thou­sands of its vis­i­tors, because you have suc­ceeded in trans­forming my tears of sorrow into tears of joy. Thanks !

- Shafic ABBOUD (Lebanon, 1926 - France, 2004)
- Hamed ABDALLA (Egypt, 1917 - France, 1985)
- Zeinab ABDEL HAMID (Egypt, 1919-2002)
- Youssef ABDELKE (Syria, 1950 - France-Syria)
- Sara ABOU MRAD (Lebanon, 1988 - France)
- Etel ADNAN (Lebanon, 1925 - USA-France, 2021)
- ADONIS (Syria, 1930 - Lebanon, France)
- Mohamed AKSOUH (Algeria, 1934 - France)
- Yasmina ALAOUI (Morocco, 1977)
- Nasser ALASWADI (Yemen, 1978 - France)
- Najah ALBOUKAI (Syria, 1970 - France)
- Anas ALBRAEHE (Syria, 1991 - Lebanon-France)
- Bissane ALCHARIF (France, 1977 - Syria-France)
- Mohammad ALHAWAJRI (Palestine-Gaza, 1976)
- Abed ALKADIRI (Lebanon, 1984 - France-Lebanon)
- Mohammed ALSHAMMAREY (Iraq, 1962 - Jordan)
- Awad ALSHIMI (Egypt, 1949)
- Mamdouh AMMAR (Egypt, 1926-2012)
- Pat ANDREA (Netherland, 1942 - France)
- Farid AOUAD (Lebanon, 1924 - France, 1982)
- ASSADOUR (Lebanon, 1943 - France)
- Zena ASSI (Lebanon, 1974 - United Kingdom)
- Dia AL-AZZAWI (Iraq, 1939 - United Kingdom)
- Philippe AUDI-DOR (Switzerland, 1989 - Lebanon-France)
- Ayman BAALBAKI (Lebanon, 1975)
- Amin EL-BACHA (Lebanon, 1932-2019)
- Georges BAHGORY (Egypt, 1932 - France-Egypt)
- Nader BAHSOUN (Lebanon, 1995)
- Serwan BARAN (Iraq, 1968 - Lebanon-Egypt)
- Dan BARICHASSE (France, 1945)
- Anachar BASBOUS (Lebanon, 1969)
- Michel BASBOUS (Lebanon, 1921-1981)
- BAYA (Algeria, 1931-1998)
- Souhila BELBAHAR (Algeria, 1934-2023)
- Farid BELKAHIA (Morocco, 1934-2014)
- Mahjoub BEN BELLA (Algeria, 1946 - France, 2020)
- Abdallah BENANTEUR (Algeria, 1931 - France, 2017)
- Hicham BENOHOUD (Morocco, 1968)
- Mahi BINEBINE (Morocco, 1959)
- Zoulikha BOUABDELLAH (Algeria, 1977 - France-Morocco)
- Halida BOUGHRIET (France, 1980)
- Kamal BOULLATA (Palestine-Jerusalem, 1942 - USA-France-Germany, 2019)
- Nabil BOUTROS (Egypt, 1954 - France)
- Fares CACHOUX (Syria, 1976 - France)
- Jorge CAMACHO (Cuba, 1934 - France, 2011)
- Sara CHAAR (USA, 1986 - Lebanon-France)
- Ali CHAMS (Lebanon, 1943-2019)
- Franck CHARLET (France, 1965)
- Chaouki CHOUKINI (Lebanon, 1946 - France)
- DAHMANE (France, 1959)
- Ziad DALLOUL (Syria, 1950 - France)
- Tagreed DARGHOUTH (Lebanon, 1979)
- Khaled DAWWA (Syria, 1985 - France)
- Nicolas D’OLCE (France, 1962)
- Ieva Saudargaité DOUAIHI (Ukrania, 1988 - Lebanon)
- Abdel Hadi ELGAZZAR (Egypt, 1925-1965)
- Fatima ELHAJJ (Lebanon, 1953 - France)
- Joseph ELHOURANY (Lebanon, 1976)
- Tarek ELKASSOUF (Lebanon, 1985 - Australia)
- ELMEYA Benchikh El Fegoun (Algeria, 1988)
- Mohammad ELRAWAS (Lebanon, 1951)
- Salah ENANI (Egypt, 1955)
- Kim EN JOONG (South Korea, 1940 - France)
- Hala EZZEDDINE (Lebanon, 1989)
- Ismail FATTAH (Iraq, 1934-2004)
- Simone FATTAL (Syra, 1942 - Lebanon-USA-France)
- Sirine FATTOUH (Lebanon, 1980 - France)
- Laure GHORAYEB (Lebanon, 1931)
- Elsa GHOUSSOUB (Lebanon, )
- Henri GOETZ (USA, 1909 - France, 1989)
- Abdelkader GUERMAZ (Algeria, 1919 - France, 1996)
- Marc GUIRAGOSSIAN (Berlin, 1995-Lebanon)
- Paul GUIRAGOSSIAN (Palestine-Jerusalem, 1926 - Lebanon, 1993)
- Miryam HADDAD (Syria, 1991 - France)
- Ahmed HAJERI (Tunisia, 1948 - France)
- Yazan HALWANI (Lebanon, 1993 - United Kingdom)
- Adam HENEIN (Egypt, 1929 - France-Egypt, 2020)
- HIMAT Mohammad Ali (Iraq, 1960 - France)
- M’hamed ISSIAKHEM (Algeria, 1928-1985)
- Mohammad JOHA (Palestine-Gaza, 1980 - France)
- Hiba KALACHE (Lebanon, 1972 - USA-Lebanon)
- Saul KAMINER (Mexico, 1952 - France-Mexico)
- Elie KANAAN (Lebanon, 1926-2009)
- Abderrahman KATANANI (Lebanon, 1983 - France-Lebanon)
- Souleymane KEITA (Senegal, 1947-2014)
- Mazen KERBAJ (Lebanon, 1975 - Berlin)
- Joël KERMARREC (Belgium, 1939 - France, 2022)
- Mohammed KHADDA (Algeria, 1930-1991)
- Rashid ALKHALIFA (Bahrain, 1952)
- Mohammad Omar KHALIL (Sudan, 1936 - USA)
- Daniel KNODERER (France, 1948)
- Manabu KOCHI (Japan, 1954 - France)
- Rachid KORAICHI (Algeria, 1947 - France-Tunisia)
- Abdellatif LAÂBI (Morocco, 1942 - France)
- Mohamed LEKLETI (Morocco, 1965 - France)
- Bengt LINDSTRÖM (Sweden, 1925 - France-Sweden, 2008)
- Boutros ALMAARI (Syria, 1968 - France-Germany)
- Randa MADDAH (Syria-Golan, 1983 - France)
- Hussein MADI (Lebanon, 1938-2024)
- Denis MARTINEZ (Algeria, 1941)
- Hala MATTA (Lebanon, 1970 - France)
- Najia MEHADJI (France-Morocco, 1950)
- Mohamed MELEHI (Morocco, 1936-2020)
- Choukri MESLI (Algeria, 1931 - France, 2017)
- Samar MOGHARBEL (Lebanon, 1958)
- Abderrahmane Ould MOHAND (Algeria, 1960 - France)
- Mohammad MOHREDDIN (Iraq, 1938 - Jordan)
- Jamil MOLAEB (Lebanon, 1948)
- Ribal MOLAEB (Lebanon, 1988 - Switzeland)
- Claude MOLLARD (France, 1941)
- Zad MOULTAKA (Lebanon, 1967 - France)
- Kevork MOURAD (Syria, 1970 - Armenia-USA)
- Abdallah MURAD (Syria, 1944)
- May MURAD (Palestine-Gaza, 1984 - France)
- Laila MURAYWID (Syra, 1956 - France)
- Mario MURUA (Chili, 1952 - France-Chili)
- Hamed NADA (Rgypt, 1924-1990)
- Elias NAFAA (Lebanon, 1997 - Canada)
- Layal NAKHLE (Ivory Coast, 1992 - Lebanon-Spain)
- NAGHAM Hodaifa (Syria, 1981 - France)
- Louis NALLARD (Algeria, 1918 - France, 2016)
- Rafa NASIRI (Iraq, 1940 - Jordan, 2013)
- Mahmoud OBAIDI (Iraq, 1966 - Canada)
- Ekram OMAR (Egypt, 1940)
- Mohamad OMRAN (Syria, 1979 - France)
- Moazzaz RAWDA (Iraq, 1906 - Lebanon, 1986)
- Nayla ROMANOS ILIYA (Lebanon, 1961)
- Guy de ROUGEMONT (France, 1935-2021)
- Steve SABELLA (Palestine-Jerusalem, 1975 - Berlin)
- SADKO (France, 1945)
- Abderrazak SAHLI (Tunisia, 1941-2009)
- Ghizlane SAHLI (Morocco, 1973)
- Marwan SAHMARANI (Lebanon, 1970)
- Shaker Hasan ALSAID (Iraq, 1925 - 2004)
- Nadia SAIKALI (Lebanon-France, 1936)
- François SARGOLOGO (Lebanon, 1955 - France)
- Joseph SASSINE (Lebanon, 1936)
- Jean-Marc SCANREIGH (France, 1950)
- Antonio SEGUI (Argentina, 1934 - France, 2020)
- Mouna Bassili SEHNAOUI (Egypt, 1945 - Lebanon)
- Medhat SHAFIK (Egypt, 1956 - Italy)
- Delair SHAKER (Iraq, 1971 - Jordan-USA)
- Ihab SHAKER (Egypt, 1931-2019)
- Zaid SHAWWA (Jordan, 1972)
- Gazbia SIRRY (Egypt, 1925-2021)
- SOPHIDO (France, 1963)
- Tony SOULIE (Paris, 1955)
- Hanibal SROUJI (Lebanon, 1957 - Canada-France-Lebanon)
- Hady SY (Lebanon, 1964 - France-USA-Lebanon)
- Hussein TAÏ (Iraq, 1966 - Danemark)
- Ali TALIB (Iraq, 1944 - Jordan-Netherland)
- Khaled TAKRETI (Lebanon, 1964 - Syria-France)
- Hervé TELEMAQUE (Haïti, 1937 - France, 2022)
- Missak TERZIAN (Lebanon, 1949 - USA-Lebanon)
- Hamid TIBOUCHI (Algeria, 1951 - France)
- Margot VEILLON (Egypt, 1907-2003)
- Vladimir VELICKOVIC (Yougoslavia, 1935 - France, 2019)
- Kamel YAHIAOUI (Algeria, 1966 - France, 2023)
- Nazar YAHYA (Iraq, 1963 - Jordan-USA)
- Fadi YAZIGI (Syria, 1966)
- Omran YOUNIS (Syria, 1971)
- Ossip ZADKINE (Russia, 1890 - France, 1967)
- Nassouh ZAGHLOULEH (Syrie, 1958 - France)
- Eduardo ZAMORA (Mexico, 1948 - France)
- Ridha ZILI (Tunisia, 1943-2011)
- Hani ZUROB (Palestine-Gaza, 1976 - France)

Copyright © Galerie Claude Lemand 2012.

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