Fatima El-Hajj, THE SONG OF THE EARTH. Recent Paintings.

From 8 September to 4 October 2014 - Galerie Claude Lemand

  • Fatima El-Hajj, La Lecture.

    La Lecture, 2013. Acrylic and oil on canvas, 100 x 100 cm. Donation Claude & France Lemand. Museum, Institut du monde arabe, Paris. © Fatima El-Hajj. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

  • Fatima El-Hajj, Femme au miroir.

    Femme au miroir, 2013. Acrylic and oil on canvas, 146 x 114 cm. Private Collection. © Fatima El-Hajj. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Carole Dagher, Fatima El-Hajj ou le bon­heur de peindre, in L’Orient Le Jour (quo­ta­tion).

’ In her own par­tic­ular way of cap­turing light and colour, Fatima El-Hajj intro­duces a breath of Lebanese air, that of sharing and of friend­ship, epit­o­mised by coffee time, by the after­noon nap, by the neigh­bour’s visit, or by a pas­toral lunch. The viewer falls into the dream of this daily hap­pi­ness which is brought to life by Fatima El-Hajj’s paint­brush, as if to ward off the sur­rounding world’s frenzy and wor­ries. As she explains, I am a girl from the vil­lage, where friends and neigh­bours have pre­served their wel­coming warmth. That is our life in Lebanon, not the other one, that which is imposed upon us, full of con­flicts and ten­sions. She rejects war and what it causes, even at an artistic level. Fatima El-Hajj is con­vinced that the artist’s voca­tion is to bring joy. A great suc­cess! ’

Translated from French by Valérie Hess.

Copyright © Galerie Claude Lemand 2012.

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