Vladimir Velickovic

Born in Belgrade in 1935, VLADIMIR VELICKOVIC passed away in August 28, 2019.

Along with the artist’s many friends - artists, col­lec­tors, art his­to­rians and museum cura­tors from all around the globe - Claude and France Lemand, and the family of French author Claude Aveline, would like to offer their sin­cerest con­do­lences to his wife and chil­dren and to express our admi­ra­tion and loy­alty to the genious painter and draughtsman that he was.


Born in Belgrade in 1935, Vladimir Velickovic lived and worked in Paris. He grad­u­ated from the Faculty of Architecture of Belgrade in 1960 yet by 1962, Velickovic decided to ded­i­cate his career to painting and drawing instead of archi­tec­ture. He left Belgrade to go settle in Zagreb where he joined the State’s studio, led by Krsto Hegedusic. The Museum of Modern Art of Belgrade orga­nized his first solo exhi­bi­tion in 1963.

Vladimir Velickovic obtained the First Prize for Painting at the 1965 Paris Biennial and decided to settle in the French cap­ital a year later. The Galerie du Dragon show­cased his works in 1967, revealing his oeuvre to the art critics and to the public. He was there­after labeled as one of the fore­run­ners of Narrative Figuration.

In 1972, the artist dis­cov­ered the research done by Edward Muybridge, the pho­tog­ra­pher and pioneer of cin­e­matog­raphy. As a result, Velickovic’s work reveals bodies that seek move­ment, as if they were frozen by an impos­sible shifting. Vladimir Velickovic’s entire oeuvre is punc­tu­ated by images of torn bodies, aban­doned land­scapes and aggres­sive ani­mals – death is omnipresent. His restrained palette com­posed of black, grey, white and blood-red, fur­ther­more empha­size this chaos.

Since 1983, Vladimir Velickovic has been the head of the studio at the Ecole Nationale Superieure des Beaux-Arts of Paris and he was elected at the Academy of Fine Art in 2005.
Vladimir Velickovic passed away in August 28, 2019.

Translated from French by Valérie Hess

Encyclopaedia Universalis - Velickovic Vladimir.

It is dif­fi­cult to dis­cern what we admire the most in Vladimir Velickovic’s draw­ings and paint­ings. Alongside Dado and Ljuba, he is one of the three orig­i­nally Yugoslavian painters, who set­tled in Paris after the war and who sub­se­quently gained inter­na­tional recog­ni­tion. Having grad­u­ated from the Faculty of Architecture of Belgrade, where he was born in 1935, and having set­tled in Paris in 1966, he instantly stood out because of the dynamism and sharp­ness of his drawing line. Marc Le Bot, who ded­i­cated an impor­tant book on the artist in 1979, enti­tled Vladimir Velickovic, Essay on the Artistic Symbolism, pre­ferred to label this form of mas­tered vio­lence and baroque power as a ‘ver­tigo of geom­etry’. According to Le Bot, ‘Velickovic’s painting seems to rec­on­cile with the most ancient artistic tra­di­tion as it is to be deci­phered like an alle­gory of fate’. Orators, gal­lows, a man run­ning, hur­dles, obsta­cles, jumps, a man walking, birth, a beheaded man lying on stretcher (one of his most beau­tiful paint­ings – it was inspired by the death of Topino-Lebrun, a rev­o­lu­tionary painter who was decap­i­tated by Bonaparte – that was offered to Alain Jouffroy in 1977 for the exhi­bi­tion ‘Guillotine and Painting’ at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris): all these themes fall within an alle­gory of the human life, that is per­ceived as the uni­versal paradigm for pic­to­rial med­i­ta­tion. Additional sub­ject mat­ters, such as that of grey­hound races, rat exper­i­ments, birds that have been run over or destroyed boxes, metaphor­i­cally rein­force the other themes.

Yet this type of painting raises ques­tions on the direc­tion taken by Western Painting since Cubism: it reacts against the with­drawal of the human figure yet it never falls into academism and hence cre­ates a sort of vehe­ment and almost dis­tressed provo­ca­tion that res­onates the oeuvre of Francis Bacon, whom Velickovic befriended. ...
(© Online Encyclopaedia Universalis)

Translated from French by Valérie Hess

Works in Public Collections:

Stedelijk Museum – Amsterdam (NE)
Pinacothèque régionale du Val d’Aoste – Aoste (IT)
Fondation Vincent Van Gogh – Arles (FR)
Pinacothèque nationale – Athènes (GR)
Musée Frissiras – Athènes (GR)
Musée d’Art Contemporain – Belgrade (RS)
Musée National – Belgrade (RS)
Galerie de l’Académie des Sciences et des Arts – Belgrade (RS)
Kunstsammlung – Bochum (DE)
Museo Civico – Bologne (IT)
Slovenska Narodni Galley – Bratislava (SK)
Musée National – Bratislava (SK)
Galerie d’Art Moderne – Brescia (IT)
Musées Royaux des Beaux Arts de Belgique – Bruxelles (BE)
Museo de Bellas Artes – Caracas (VE)
Musée Bernard – Châteauroux (FR)
Instituteof ContemporaryArt – Chicago (US)
Musée d’Unterlinden – Colmar (FR)
RoyalMuseumof Fine Art – Copenhague (DK)
Museo Provincial de Bellas Artes – Cordoba (ES)
Staatliche Kunstsammlung – Dresde (DE)
Musée d’Art Contemporain – Dunkerque (FR)
Museum voor Schone Kunsten – Gand (BE)
Neure Galerie am Landesmuseum Johanneum – Graz (AT)
LandesMuseum– Hanovre (DE)
Museum Ateneum – Helsinki (FI)
Louisiana Museum– Humlebeak (DK)
Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts – Lausanne (CH)
Centre d’Art Contemporain – Lille (FR)
Centre d’Art Sacré Contemporain – Lille (FR)
Museumof Modern Art – Ljubljana (SI)
Museum Sztucki – Lodz (PL)
Tate Gallery – Londres (UK)
Lannan Foundation – Los Angeles (US)
Konsthall – Malmö (SE)
Musée Cantini – Marseille (FR)
Stadt Opera – Munich (DE)
Musée d’Art Moderne – Nîmes (FR)
Museum of Modern Art – New York (US)
AstrupFearnley Museum of Modern Art – Oslo (NO)
Henie – Onstad Foundation – Oslo (NO)
Galerie Nationale – Oslo (NO)
Musée National d’Art Moderne – Centre Pompidou – Paris (NO)
Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville – Paris (FR)
Bibliothèque Nationale – Paris (FR)
Museum, Institut du monde arabe. Donation Claude & France Lemand - Paris (FR)
Fondation Pfizer – Paris (FR)
Ecole des Beaux Arts – Cabinet de dessins – Paris (FR)
Musée de l’Histoire Contemporaine – Paris (FR)
Historial de la Grande Guerre – Péronne (FR)
Museumof Modern Art – Rijeka (HR)
Museo de Arte Moderno – Rio de Janeiro (BR)
Museum Boymans van Beuningen – Rotterdam (NL)
Fondation Maeght – Saint-Paul de Vence (FR)
Museumof Modern Art – Skopje (MK)
Musée d’Art Moderne – Strasbourg (FR)
Sara Hilden Foundation – Tampere (FI)
Museumof ModernArt – Téhéran (IR)
Musée d’Art Contemporain – Thessalonique (GR)
Musée des Beaux-Arts – Toulon (FR)
Fast Gallery – Trondheim (NO)
Matti Koivurinnen Taidemuseo – Turku (FI)
Hedendaagse Kunst – Utrecht (NL)
Museo d’Arte Moderna Ca’Pesaro – Venise (IT)
Musée d’Art Contemporain – Vitry-sur-Seine (FR)
Library of Congress – Washington(US)
Museum Kenritsu – Yamagata (JP)
ContemporaryArt Gallery – Zagreb (HR)

Copyright © Galerie Claude Lemand 2012.

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