Claude Mollard

Mollard, La Princesse voilée. 2007
La Princesse voilée, Barra grande, Panaraiba, Brazil, 2007. Original photograph, 120 x 80 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, L’Amant. 2005
L’Amant (Nova Viçosa, State of Bahia, Brazil), 2005. Original photograph, 120 x 80 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, Graphogene with Blue eyes. 2011
Graphogene with Blue eyes (Rio, Brazil), 2011. Original photograph, 120 x 80 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, Homage to Rembrandt. 2008
Homage to Rembrandt (Nova Viçosa, State of Bahia, Brazil), 2008. Original photograph, 120 x 80 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. Edition de 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, The Blue Man. 2011
The Blue Man, Salvador de Bahia, Brazil, 2011. Original photograph, 80 x 54,5 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, Visage christique. 2011
Visage christique, 2011, Rio, Brazil. Original photograph, 80 x 54,5 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, Tête de Gaulois avec bacchantes. 2007
Tête de Gaulois avec bacchantes, 2007, Rio, Brazil. Original photograph, 120 x 80 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, Petit renard à fourrure blanche. 2011
Petit renard à fourrure blanche, 2011, Salavador de Bahia, Brazil. Original photograph, 120 x 80 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, Graphogene à tête de clown. 2011
Graphogene à tête de clown, 2011, Rio, Brazil. Original photograph, 120 x 80 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, L’Amante. 2005
L’Amante, 2005, Nova Viçosa, State of Bahia, Brazil. Original photograph, 80 x 54,5 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, Le Balafré. 2010
Le Balafré, 2010, Courcouronnes, Essonne, France. Original photograph, 80 x 54,5 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, Homage to Daumier. 2012
Homage to Daumier, 2012, Ilha grande, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Original photograp, 120 x 67,5 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, Le Chamane piquant. 2012
Le Chamane piquant, 2012, Nova Viçosa, State of Bahia, Brazil. Original photograph, 120 x 80 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, Pierrot lunaire. 2005
Pierrot lunaire, 2005, Nova Viçosa, State of Bahia, Brazil. Original photograph, 120 x 80 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, L’aventurier d’Extrême-Orient. 2014
L’aventurier d’Extrême-Orient, 2014, Botanic Garden, Singapoor. Original photo, 120 x 80 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, La petite princesse. 2004
La petite princesse, 2004, Nova Viçosa, State of Bahia, Brazil. Original photo, 80 x 54,5 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, Le marin souffrant de Saint Malo. 2010
Le marin souffrant de Saint Malo, 2010, Saint Malo, France. Original photo, 120 x 80 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, Le Patriarche bleui. 2011
Le Patriarche bleui, 2011, Botanic Garden, Rio, Brazil. Original photo, 80 x 54,5 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, L’Homme au crâne fendu. 2012
L’Homme au crâne fendu, 2012, Nova Viçosa, State of Bahia, Brazil. Original photo, 80 x 54,5 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Mollard, Homme de chambre à air. 2005
Homme de chambre à air, 2005. Original photograph, 120 x 82 cm. Signed and numbered by the artist. Edition of 3. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Claude MOLLARD, Le hibou du figuier. 2002
Le hibou du figuier, 2002. Original photo, printed, signed and numbered by the artist, 48 x 33 cm. Edition of 7 + 2 AP. Donated by the artist. Fonds Claude & France Lemand-IMA 2020. Museum, Institut du monde arabe, Paris. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy of Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Claude MOLLARD, La chouette verdissante. 2020
La chouette verdissante, 2020. Original photo, printed, signed and numbered by the artist, 48 x 33 cm. Edition of 7 + 2 AP. Donated by the artist. Fonds Claude & France Lemand-IMA 2020. Museum, Institut du monde arabe, Paris. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Claude MOLLARD, Le Phénix immortel. 2002
Le Phénix immortel, 2002. Original photo, printed, signed and numbered by the artist, 48 x 33 cm. Edition de 7 + 2 EA. Donated by the artist. Fonds Claude & France Lemand-IMA 2020. Museum, Institut du monde arabe, Paris. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Claude MOLLARD, L’oiseau sacré du Lotus rose. 2019
L’oiseau sacré du Lotus rose, 2019. Original photo, printed, signed and numbered by the artist, 48 x 33 cm. Edition of 7 + 2 AP. Donated by the artist. Fonds Claude & France Lemand-IMA 2020. Museum, Institut du monde arabe, Paris. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Claude MOLLARD, L’oiseau aux plumes d’or. 2019
L’oiseau aux plumes d’or, 2019. Original photo, printed, signed and numbered by the artist, 48 x 33 cm. Edition of 7 + 2 AP. Donated by the artist. Fonds Claude & France Lemand-IMA 2020. Museum, Institut du monde arabe, Paris. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Claude MOLLARD, L’oiseau de la maison. 2019
L’oiseau de la maison, 2019. Original photo, printed, signed and numbered by the artist, 48 x 33 cm. Edition of 7 + 2 AP. Donated by the artist. Fonds Claude & France Lemand-IMA 2020. Museum, Institut du monde arabe, Paris. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Claude MOLLARD, Les oisillons téméraires. 2019
Les oisillons téméraires, 2019. Original photo, printed, signed and numbered by the artist, 48 x 33 cm. Edition de 7 + 2 EA. Don de l’artiste. Fonds Claude & France Lemand-IMA 2020. Musée, Institut du monde arabe, Paris. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

Claude MOLLARD, L’oiseau de vie. 2019
L’oiseau de vie, 2019. Original photo, printed, signed and numbered by the artist, 48 x 33 cm. Edition of 7 + 2 AP. Donated by the artist. Fonds Claude & France Lemand-IMA 2020. Museum, Institut du monde arabe, Paris. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

MOLLARD, Lebanon. Baalbeck. 2015
Lebanon. Baalbeck, 2015. Original photo, printed, signed and numbered by the artist, 48 x 33 cm. Edition of 7 + 2 AP. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

MOLLARD, Lebanon. Beirut 1. 2013
Lebanon. Beirut 1, 2013. Original photo printed, signed and numbered by the artist, 48 x 33 cm. Edition of 7 + 2 AP. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.

MOLLARD, Lebanon. Beirut 2. 2015
Lebanon. Beirut 2, 2015. Original photo, printed, signed and numbered by the artist, 48 x 33 cm. Edition of 7 + 2 AP. © Claude Mollard. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand, Paris.