EUROPEAN NIGHT OF MUSEUMS - ALGERIA MY LOVE - Three generations of fraternity artists - Message by JACK LANG.

From 18 March to 14 May 2022 - Institut du monde arabe

  • BAYA, Music. Poster of the exhibition ALGERIA MY LOVE.

    Poster of the exhibition ALGERIA MY LOVE, Institut du monde arabe, Paris. - BAYA, Music, 1974. Gouache on paper, 100 x 150 cm. Donation Claude and France Lemand. Museum of the IMA, Paris. © The Estate of Baya. Courtesy Galerie Claude Lemand.

Exhibition at the Arab World Institute. From March 18 to July 31, 2022.

ALGERIA MY LOVE. Algerian Brotherhood Artists 1953-2021.­tB2krpQ

Message by Jack Lang. President of the Arab World Institute.

Three gen­er­a­tions of fra­ter­nity artists.

36 works by 18 artists tes­ti­fying to the great diver­sity and extraor­di­nary cre­ativity of three gen­er­a­tions of visual artists from Algeria and the dias­poras: bet raised - and kept! - by the Arab World Institute. An exhi­bi­tion made pos­sible thanks to the gen­erosity of the donor Claude Lemand, curator of this exhi­bi­tion.

We (re)dis­cover the magic of the Ladies of Baya, the tragic power of the Women of Issiakhem, the vir­tuoso prim­i­tivism of Martinez, the mag­ical inven­tive­ness of Koraïchi ... All works from the rich col­lec­tion of modern and con­tem­po­rary art of the museum of the IMA, which pre­serves, for the Algerian corpus alone, more than 600 works, the largest col­lec­tion in the Western world.

This event, even more than an exhi­bi­tion, is the illus­tra­tion of the uni­ver­salist man­i­festo that the artists of Algeria and France, all ori­gins, cul­tures, reli­gions com­bined, pro­claimed at the end of the Second World War by the fra­ter­nity which unites them: the same love of freedom - that of Algeria and its inde­pen­dence, which everyone was calling for - and the same love of art.

This fra­ter­nity resounds like a pow­erful echo to the mes­sage that the Institute, on this 60th anniver­sary of the inde­pen­dence of Algeria, will make heard throughout the year with its "Regards sur l’Algérie à l’IMA", in a rich pro­gram­ming of exhi­bi­tions, sym­po­siums, meet­ings, screen­ings … The broth­er­hood of arts and ideas is more alive than ever. It is the Ariadne’s thread of an unwa­vering Franco-Algerian friend­ship, of which the Institute of the Arab World will pre­sent the most beau­tiful fruits.

Copyright © Galerie Claude Lemand 2012.

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